Monday, March 24, 2014

Deploying Computer with Multiple Hard Disks

Recently while at a client I encountered a situation that is becoming all the more common lately, Desktops with two or more hard disks. In this case on is SSD and the other is SATA. So of course I tried many approaches some more complicated than others and most not all too elegant however I finally figured it out. As an old teacher of mine once told me KISS (Keep it simple stupid :-)) so that's what I did.

  1. Open My Task Sequence
  2. Scroll Down to Format and Partition Disk 
  3. Add a new Format and Partition Disk step 
  4. Choose the Options Tab of the newly created step and a Query WMI

  6. Hit Apply and you're done!
This will automatically detect a second Hard Disk simple but elegant.